Statement of Beliefs

We, The Gnostic Church and Academy of Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. are a non-profit, non-denominational gnostic Christian Order dedicated to helping initiates understand and fully come to know their divine status as a child of God. We seek to aid others in recognizing the eternal divine spark that has been gifted to them by God Almighty and do our sacred duty to help them in their quest to return that portion of God back to its true home in the heavens. We seek salvation through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and our foundational text of religious study is the Authorized King James Holy Bible. With this stated, we also honor and teach many different schools of thought and read from and study many different religious text and doctrines. Because we are a gnostic Order we teach the principles and ideas of the Mystery School Tradition, with our core teaching being that of the Prisca Theologia. We thus accept all those who genuinely seek the Almighty regardless of their personal religious inclinations or religious beliefs. With this stated, Christ is our central focus and we declare the doctrines of Christ to be the culmination and most perfect expression of the Mystery School Teachings available to man in our time. We believe just as the prophet Paul exclaimed in Ephesians 4:4 – 7:

“There is one body, and one Spirit, even as yea recalled in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.”

We encourage each member of our congregation to “take up their cross” and measure their actions and thoughts up to the perfection of Christ Almighty. With Jesus as our guide and the exemplar of our spiritual quest, we are thus a Trinitarian church, with the three-fold aspect of the Godhead recognized as a provable and experiential reality within both the physical and metaphysical worlds. As both the living reality of the Divine Word and the Trinitarian God has been heralded within faiths across the landscape of time, including Egyptian, Hindu, Norse, Hermetic, and Orphic belief systems, we recognize the transcendence of Christ within these great faiths and educate our followers on these revealed truths.

We extol the three theological virtues of faith, hope and charity, and encourage our members to live the most righteous, loving, compassionate, and dignified life, dedicated to service of mankind, service to God Almighty, and the commitment to truth above all things. To our congregation we encourage prayer, meditation and deep contemplation on spiritual issues. We encourage an intense auto-didactic study on the seven classical liberal arts and developing a great passion for learning. We encourage education on comparative mythology and spiritual doctrines, and promote a fervent dedication to their religious studies. As we say at our church and academy, we do not “go to church on Sundays… our entire lives are a walking meditation on Christ.” Amen. We promote wellness and health in all facets of life, including physical, mental and spiritual. We seek to teach all who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see, who are worthy and ready to hear our message, and who have a genuine heart fully committed to God and the Great Work that He requires of us here on Earth.